If you search the web long enough there are thousands of ideas for you to grow your student ministry.

  • Big events
  • Retreats
  • New Programming
  • Switching Worship Times

Chances are you have tried a variety of the ā€œboost your attendanceā€ methods only to find that the growth didnā€™t last and the numbers started to slip.

As ministry leaders we must remember that Jesus is the head of the church. Every revival and spiritual awakening in human history began with a Godā€™s Spirit.

Obviously I am not against change in the church or altering your student ministry, but I do know that we can become obsessed with the processes and fail to rely on Jesus for vision casting, transformation, and spiritual growth.

If you are in a funk and are trying to stop the slow decline in your student ministry here are two steps for you.

2 Steps To Stop The Decline In Student Ministry

Cultivate a Culture of Prayer

Is your student ministry a ministry of prayer? Iā€™m not talking about an initiative or a sermon series that highlighted prayer. Is your leadership actually praying for and with people? You need to develop a culture of prayer by sending texts, call them, emails, and scheduling prayer meetings with key leaders over coffee. People need to know that you are praying for them. Prayer transforms our hearts, minds, and student ministries.

Cultivate a Culture of Finding

Being ā€œseeker friendlyā€ is alright to a certain extent, but as I read the scriptures I see that the seeker is Jesus not humanity. He didnā€™t wait for people to return to Him, He went after individualā€™s hearts. Our student ministries must be intentionally seeking after students. We canā€™t sit around and wonder why someone isnā€™t showing up. Your team must be intentional to make sure students are known by you and by Jesus. Who are you finding this week? Which students are on the verge of falling away and need to be found?

Now What?

Leading a ministry is difficult but we must continue to love God and others in everything that we do.

How can you begin to create a culture of prayer and finding in your student ministry this week?

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